STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe in the Bible as the True written Word of God We believe in God ,the Creator of Heaven and Earth We believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to Heaven We believe in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life ,in His atoning Death and Ressurection and in His Glorioius Future Return We believe in the Ressurection of the Dead , when Christ shall come ,one to Eternal Life and the other to Eternal Damnation in the lake of Fire We believe in the Judgement of both the living and the dead We believe in the Personality of the Holy Spirit and that all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit We believe in the Nazareth Manifesto in Luke 4:18 were Jesus Christ begins :''The Spirit of the Lord is Upon me for He has annointed me ...'' We believe that Poverty is a concrete form of Bondage and that Christians must be involved in liberating People from that Bondage We believe that Prayer and Action are inseparable We believe that Missions is the Heart of God . ''The thief comes to kill , steal and destroy BUT I CAME THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY''. JOHN 10:10 ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/evergreen_greenflake.gif) ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/evergreen_redflake.gif) ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/evergreen_greenflake.gif) | ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/spacer.gif) |
![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/evergreen_greenflake.gif) ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/evergreen_greenflake.gif) OUR FAITH IN GOD WILL CARRY US THROUGH AND WE WILL SERVE HIM ALWAYS. UNLESS WE CARE ,THEY PERISH |
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