''...I saved the poor who called out and the orphan who had no one to help.The dying person blessed me,and I made the widow's heart sing for joy...I was eyes to the blind and the feet for the lame. I was like a father to needy people and I took the side of strangers who where in trouble and I broke the fangs of evil people and snatched the captives from their teeth '' JOB 29:12-17
TARGET GROUP: The HIV/AIDS Programme is targeted at vulnerable and distressed Children, Women & Families is Zambia, and was established to respond to the unique concerns of children, youth, women, and families who are living with, at risk for, or affected by HIV/AIDS. Faith Fellowship Ministries International conducts policy research, education, and advocacy on a broad range of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and research issues. This is in line with the mission and life of the church. This HIV/AIDS and Health Programme is a need-driven initiative here in Zambia , established by Faith Fellowship Ministries International and forming Alliances with community-based organizations in Zambia, as well as individual young people, women, and family members through out the Zambia. The majority of these Community organizations and individuals provide or receive HIV/AIDS services from Faith Fellowship Ministries International and is currently lobbying Government and other stakeholders to develop a Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act. to provide funding for medical care, social services, and access to research for low-income children, youth, women and families. The HIV/AIDS and Health Programme includes the feeding of Orphans and empowering the vulnerable women with Life survival skills. "UNLESS WE CARE ,THEY PERISH"