2002-2005 STRATEGIC WORKPLAN ''...TO BE STRONG AND DO EXPLOITS''.(KJV) DANIEL11:32b Faith Fellowship Ministries International exixts in local communities with membership drawn fron the same.The organization has 8 full time staff and an army of volunteers.The long term strategy called 'Vision 2005'is to strengthen FFMI in all areasd of its vocation in the Christian Community as a missionary Ministry. These include leadership development, women and youth empowerment , Justice , Evangelism , Gender and development , conflict resolution and prevention and democracy Education. GOAL: To witness Jesus Christ in a wholist wmanner by empowering the largely disadvantaged groups in Rural and Urban Zambia , Remote India , Australia and Congo DRC in their Socio -Economic Development . MISSION STATEMENT: To witness Jesus Christ in word and deed among the communities and empower them develop a vision for transformation of Society within thwe life and Mission of the Church. ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The overall Goal is to Mobilize Children , Youth and Women for sensitization and consciousness raising ORGANIZATIONAL BUILDING: 1.To promote Spiritual renewal and Evangelism 2.To promote Youth exposure and Nietworking 3.To restructure FFMI and fill in the positions as agreed at the strategic planning workshop 4.To carry out Human Resource Development Program 5.Leadership Skills Training 6.Conflict Resolution Skills Training 7.Advocacy Skills and analysis of root causes of injustices and awareness on inequalities in Society. TECHNICAL SKILLS TRAINING AND SELF DEVELOPMENT: 1.To develop national office and Regional offices into resource centres 2.To encourage institutional sustainability 3.To carry out thematic Annual Conferences 4.To carry out board meetings and annual General Meetings SENSITIZATION IN AREA OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ASPECTS 1. To promote Gender senstization and self improvement in Girl Child Education 2. To carry Democracy and Human Rights Education 3. To carry out sensitization on HIV/AIDS and behaviour change 4. To raise awareness on woman literacy , Health and Violence Against Women 5. To raise Awareness on Economic Justice Issues and Globalization GOALS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Our goal for organizational development in 2002-2005 is to have maximum participation from the General membership and to intensify our Missions and Evangelism .The Organization will embark on a serious campaign on organization , sharing the vision for its growth development .The aim in 2002 and beyond is to have new missions and evangelism programmes established in other places.The different branches are to be strengthened by training in leadership and Governance . GOALS FOR PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT-HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT: To carry out Training focussed on staff and volunteers to develop human resources capacity of resources capacity ofhte organization .Volunteers to attend short management courses and computer courses to acquire skills and learn how to send and recieve E-mail. To engage consultants to do self improverment training for sustainability and to reduce staff turn -over, the Ministry will embark on Income Generating projects to sustain staff , volunteers as well as keeping the programs on course. MONITORING , EVALUATION AND STUDIES: The FFMI has developed a new structure which will be used in 2002 and beyond.The structure has regional co-ordinators. Each regional office will have mechanisms and procedures for periodic monitoring of its operations to ensure that activities will occur as planned .The regional Co-ordinators will prepare progress and technical reports and accounting of funds . THE MISSIONS CENTRE: The Missions Cntre in Luwingu, Northern Province , Zambia will serve Northern Province , Luapula Province and East and Central Africa.It has 40 hectares all in all.It will encompass a Skills Traing Centre , A primary School for Abadoned Children and the disabled and a Mobile Clinic.The centre currently has a church building which has a seating capacity of 250 people. This structure is made of Red-Mud Burnt Bricks , which were made by local people . RESOURCE INPUTS; The resources to be employed will be Financial and Human . The Human resources will be drawn from the General Membership of FFMI and when need arises , consultants will be engaged for specialized services.The Financial Resources will be sourced from the gifts, tithes ,offerings, Income Generating Projects and grants from our corperating partners round the world who we are currently seeking . CONCLUSION : The emphasis on our programs is TRAINING so that the women can realize their potential and their vital role in development .The training Program will help the bweneficiaries to develop their vision and equip them to be good leaders that will get into place good policies in their communities .FFMI is accountable to the Church and Society to groom Leaders(women especially) for the present and future . ''I can do all things through Christ who strengthens''.